2023 marks the sixtieth anniversary of the European Documentation Centers (EDC) network.
The CEU library received the “Europe Direct” label from the European Commission in 1971, thus becoming part of the European Documentation Centers network. Currently, only 19 French university libraries are part of this network.
On the occasion of this sixtieth anniversary:
- The EDC at the University of Tours-IRJI François Rabelais invites you to several events on the theme of peace throughout the month of November: Salon of Francophone legal publishers, symposium on peace “Paxa Europa,” thesis awards ceremony “Special 60 Years of EDC,” film programming featuring peace-themed movies, conferences… The program is available: ici
- The EDC in Bordeaux has created an exhibition tracing the history of EDC:
- The EDC in Nancy, in response to the “Paxa Europa” symposium, offers a documentary selection on the theme of the European Union and peace. You can also find a version of the exhibition in the reading room.